childhood, i miss you

i like this picture. it’s not pretty, i know… but something about this picture reminds me about things from the past. happy things. sad things. i don’t really know. i wish i can find the words to describe what i’m feeling right now. lonely. alone. empty. perhaps alone. or maybe still in denial that i’m no longer a teenager… because being young is temporary. or maybe because i want to go somewhere else but can’t at the moment. these are emotions i don’t know how to describe… 
it’s hard when you’re the youngest in the family and your older siblings are getting ready to settle down… you know that feeling. and being the baby of the family, i’m still in school and unsure about what the future holds. it’s hard living alone for three months. it’s hard wanting something so badly. 
i wish i were a writer… because i have no clue why the heck i’m feeling like this right now. and because my writing sucks. 

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Written on Friday, July 13, 2012 at 9:17 PM by Unknown